Divided into two distinct sections, a main retail and separate cash desk/fitting room area, the parti of TNT Woman revolves around two important design elements: frame-like partitions of powder-coated steel, and a large circular cash counter clad in stainless steel. Highlighted with glass and accented with light, including a single red-gelled fluorescent, the three frame-like structures house the majority of the merchandise within single clean forms. Dramatically centering the space while balancing the large display frames, the single cylindrical form of the cash desk suggests the feminine – drawing one into the store with its sensual form.
Illuminating the mannequin stands, an unexpectedly delicate glass lantern is suspended between these two areas, offering a transition between spaces. Ritualizing the experience of trying on clothes, the allure of the fitting rooms lies in amplifying this transformation through the design of the rooms themselves.
The effects of the fluorescent, halogen, and LED lighting are combined to create a unique experience, distinct from the rest of the store. As the door closes one is not only changing clothes, but changing environment, with the final playful touch – a red LED indicating the room is ‘occupied’ when locked – indicating also that the occupant may be ‘transported’ somewhere else.